

Challenges in bringing Education 3.0 in Romanian Kindergartens

Adriana Guran - Lecturer @ Babeș-Bolyai University

Live from Room 32

10th November, 14:45-15:15

Children of nowadays grow surrounded by technology. Education needs to adapt in order to support children development appropriately. Although multiple interactive applications are available to entertain the children, there are few approaches in developing edutainment software for preschoolers that can be integrated in the teaching activities from the curricula. Our research focuses on designing and developing smart edutainment applications for preschoolers that can be used as a support in the regular teaching activities in the public formal teaching system from Romania.

Adriana Guran

Babeș-Bolyai University

Lecturer, PhD, at Faculty of mathematics and Computer Science, UBB. She is interested in Human-Computer Interaction, Interaction Design and User Experience. In the last years her research has focused on designing edutainment for children to support digital skills development.